Jea­nette Vaug­han is well estab­lished as a wri­ter and sto­ry tel­ler. Not only is she published in the peri­odi­cals and pro­fes­sio­nal jour­nals of nur­sing, but also in the gen­re of fic­tion. Out on her sheep farm, she has writ­ten seve­ral novels and scripts. She is the mother of four child­ren, inclu­ding two Navy pilots. She lives in a Vic­to­ri­an farm­house out in the pas­tu­res of nor­the­ast Texas with her sheep, chi­ckens, don­keys and sheep dogs.

Fly­ing Solo

Fly­ing Solo

Some­ti­mes the choices we make in life have devas­ta­ting con­se­quen­ces. Based on a true sto­ry, Nora is a 1960s French Cajun house­wi­fe who trains as a pilot. Dyna­mics col­l­i­de when an ili­cit affair pro­du­ces a child and a choice.

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