N. J. Lind­quist is the crea­tor and publisher of the best-sel­­ling Hot Apple Cider books, and the aut­hor of the award-win­­ning The Cir­cle of Fri­ends YA series and the stan­da­lo­ne novel, In Time of Trou­ble. In past lives, she has been a high school Tea­cher of the Year, a home­schoo­ler, part of seve­ral church plan­ting teams, a youth lea­der, a CE Direc­tor, a church plan­ter, a small group lea­der, and foun­der and exe­cu­ti­ve direc­tor of a natio­nal wri­ters group. She has been spea­king to groups of all sizes sin­ce she was in her ear­ly twen­ties with mes­sa­ges of hope, crea­ti­vi­ty, lea­der­ship, and making disciples.

A Second Cup of Hot Apple Cider

A Second Cup of Hot Apple Cider

A coll­ec­tion of over 50 true sto­ries, fic­tion­al short sto­ries, and poems by 37 wri­ters who­se work is distin­gu­is­hed by hones­ty and vul­nerabi­li­ty, com­bi­ned with encou­ra­ge­ment and hope.

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