Ran­dy Inger­man­son is the award-win­­ning aut­hor of six novels. He is known around the world as “the Snow­fla­ke Guy,” thanks to his Web site artic­le on the Snow­fla­ke method, which has been view­ed more than a mil­li­on times. Befo­re ven­tu­ring into fic­tion, Ran­dy ear­ned a Ph.D. in theo­re­ti­cal phy­sics from the Uni­ver­si­ty of Cali­for­nia at Ber­ke­ley. Ran­dy has taught fic­tion at num­e­rous wri­ting con­fe­ren­ces and sits on the advi­so­ry board of Ame­ri­can Chris­ti­an Fic­tion Wri­ters. He also publishes the world’s lar­gest e‑zine on how to wri­te fic­tion, The Advan­ced Fic­tion Wri­ting E‑zine. Randy’s first two novels won Chris­ty awards, and his second novel Oxy­gen, coaut­ho­red with John B. Olson, ear­ned a spot on the New York Public Library’s Books for the Teen Age list.

Wri­ting Fic­tion for Dummies

Wri­ting Fic­tion for Dummies

Autor: Ran­dy Ingermanson
Gen­re: Wri­ting

The Most Wis­hed For book in the Fic­tion Wri­ting Refe­rence cate­go­ry on Ama­zon is Wri­ting Fic­tion for Dum­mies, the com­ple­te gui­de for wri­ting and sel­ling your novel.

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