A Second Cup of Hot Apple Cider

Words to Sti­mu­la­te the Mind and Delight the Spirit

A coll­ec­tion of over 50 true sto­ries, fic­tion­al short sto­ries, and poems by 37 wri­ters who­se work is distin­gu­is­hed by hones­ty and vul­nerabi­li­ty, com­bi­ned with encou­ra­ge­ment and hope.

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Über die­ses Buch

A Second Cup of Hot Apple Cider is the fol­­low-up to the best­sel­ler, Hot Apple Cider: Words to Stir the Heart and Warm the Soul. A Second Cup won the 2012 Chris­ti­an Small Publishers Gift Book Award Win­ner along with six 2012 The Word Awards and seven Awards of Merit. Mid­west Book Review cal­led A Second Cup a “remin­der that the­re is some­thing good in the world.” Faith Today magazine’s review said, “Some books sur­pri­se you with their abili­ty to take your breath away… The short sel­ec­tions make this a per­fect book for even indif­fe­rent rea­ders. It would be a fabu­lous addi­ti­on to an office wai­ting room, your bedside table, brief­ca­se, back­pack or pur­se. But be sure to buy more than one, for you will pro­ba­b­ly have the urge to share this gem of a coll­ec­tion with others.” Plea­se note that the­re is also a Dis­cus­sion Gui­de for the book, with ques­ti­ons rela­ted to each sto­ry. Each con­tri­bu­tor has sup­pli­ed ques­ti­ons about his or her pie­ce to help rea­ders think fur­ther about the issues rai­sed, enjoy sti­mu­la­ting dis­cus­sions, and share ide­as and meaningful expe­ri­en­ces. Fore­word by Ellen Vaughn.

Autor: N. J. Lindquist
Gen­re: Inspi­ra­tio­nal
ASIN: 0978496310
ISBN: 9780978496319
Some­ti­mes all you need is a remin­der that the­re is some­thing good in the world. A Second Cup of Hot Apple Cider is a com­bi­na­ti­on of short sto­ries, poet­ry, and works of memoir picked for their inspi­ra­tio­nal natu­re, dedi­ca­ted to fin­ding a shi­ning light in our lives that so often turn dark. The sto­ries within are tou­ch­ing and poignant, and will help rea­ders remem­ber that the­re is some­thing after the worst of it all.
– Mid­west Book Review, Religion/Spirituality Shelf
A Second Cup of Hot Apple Cider is exact­ly the type of warm assu­rance, in satis­fy­in­gly small sips, that we could all use throug­hout the cour­se of a busy day.
– Nicho­las For­bes, ManitobaChristianOnline.com
The very first sto­ry in A Second Cup of Hot Apple Cider left me in tears. The next sto­ries kept me tur­ning pages, wan­ting more…
– The Koa­la Bear Wri­ter, Bon­nie Way
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