Fly­ing Solo

An Uncon­ven­tio­nal Avia­trix Navi­ga­tes Tur­bu­lence in Life

Some­ti­mes the choices we make in life have devas­ta­ting con­se­quen­ces. Based on a true sto­ry, Nora is a 1960s French Cajun house­wi­fe who trains as a pilot. Dyna­mics col­l­i­de when an ili­cit affair pro­du­ces a child and a choice.

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Über die­ses Buch

French Cajun Nora Brous­sard Green­wood was born with the wan­der­lust. Her adven­tur­ous spi­rit does­n’t fit the seda­te expec­ta­ti­ons of catho­lic 1960s New Orleans sub­ur­bia. On a whim, she takes fly­ing les­sons to beco­me a pilot. Expe­ri­en­cing the free­dom of flight is libe­ra­ting. Howe­ver an illi­cit affair with her pilot ins­truc­tor forces action. When she con­fronts her ruthl­ess hus­band for a divorce, she is cast out sans her child­ren and threa­ten­ed with her life. Despe­ra­te to get them back and gain liber­ty, she ste­als her husband’s pla­ne. Tri­als and tri­bu­la­ti­ons erupt as she navi­ga­tes the tur­bu­lence her life has beco­me. In a bizar­re twist of fate, she ser­ves as care­gi­ver to her lover’s sick­ly wife as a means to sur­vi­ve; hoping he will deci­de she is his soul mate. But is that to be? Nora must make the make the most dif­fi­cult decis­i­on of her life in order to get things back on track.

Autor: Jea­nette Vaughan
Gen­re: His­to­ri­cal Fiction
ASIN: 061561888X
ISBN: 9780615618883
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