The 11 Secrets of Get­ting Published

See how easi­ly you can learn the secrets of get­ting published!

Learn insi­der secrets of get­ting published! Beco­me an aut­hor. Hold the book of your heart in your hands for the first time.

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Über die­ses Buch

Frus­tra­ted by how much the­re is to learn to final­ly see your name in print with a big publi­shing house? Mired in con­fu­si­on about your next steps? An accom­plished non­fic­tion free­lan­cer and nove­list with 17 tra­di­tio­nal­ly published books under her aut­hor belt, Mary DeMuth under­stands the twists and turns of the publi­shing indus­try. She ans­wers the ques­ti­on, “How can I get published?” by pul­ling 11 Secrets from her popu­lar blog, Wannabepublished.

Mary tea­ches you how to: 

  • Craft the kind of query let­ter that gets you noti­ced by indus­try professionals.
  • Wri­te stron­ger, powerful, atten­ti­on grab­bing prose.
  • Crea­te effec­ti­ve wri­ting rou­ti­nes to meet your dai­ly and weekly goals.
  • Navi­ga­te a wri­ting con­fe­rence with confidence.
  • Find and woo an agent.
Autor: Mary DeMuth
Gen­re: Wri­ting
ASIN: 098343672X
ISBN: 9780983436720
If you want to know about the field of wri­ting then you want to know Mary DeMuth. She is not only gifted as both a fic­tion and non-fic­tion aut­hor, but she is also pas­sio­na­te about hel­ping others achie­ve their goals in the wri­ting pro­fes­si­on.
– Karol Ladd, Best-sel­ling aut­hor of The Power of a Posi­ti­ve Woman
Mary is a con­sum­ma­te pro­fes­sio­nal and well equip­ped to help other wri­ters with both the crea­ti­ve and busi­ness side of wri­ting.
– Ter­ry Glaspey, Seni­or Edi­tor, Har­ve­st House Publishers
I sel­dom read a non-fic­tion from cover to cover, espe­ci­al­ly in just a cou­ple of days, but I not only exami­ned every pie­ce of it, I pul­led out my manu­script and took her advice to heart in a com­ple­te revi­si­on. Anyo­ne inte­res­ted in wri­ting for publi­ca­ti­on should read this book!
– Mar­ji Clubi­ne, writer
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