R. E. McDer­mott is a mer­chant sea­man by trai­ning. After gra­dua­ti­on from the Mer­chant Mari­ne Aca­de­my, he sai­led for seve­ral years, and then spent thir­ty years as a mari­ne con­sul­tant. He has tra­ve­led wide­ly, seen inte­res­t­ing things, and lived in seve­ral count­ries. He has come to know more than a few inte­res­t­ing cha­rac­ters in his tra­vels, and bits and pie­ces of them popu­la­te his novels.

Dead­ly Straits

Dead­ly Straits

Autor: R. E. McDermott
Gen­re: Thril­ler

When mari­ne engi­neer and very part-time spook Tom Dugan beco­mes col­la­te­ral dama­ge in the War on Ter­ror, he’s not about to take it lying down. Dead­ly Straits is a non-stop thrill ride, fast-paced, mul­ti­laye­red and gripping.

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