Thri­ving: Trus­ting God for Life to The Fullest

Thri­ving: Trus­ting God for Life to The Fullest

Thri­ving equips you to live the abun­dant life – even in dif­fi­cult cir­cum­s­tances. Chap­ters include prac­ti­cal ques­ti­ons for indi­vi­du­al stu­dy or small group discussion.

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Con­fi­dent Faith

Con­fi­dent Faith

You can enjoy a robust faith — one you can share with skep­ti­cal fri­ends — by lear­ning the “Twen­ty Arrows of Truth,” inclu­ding evi­dence from sci­ence, logic, histo­ry, archaeo­lo­gy, the Bible, and more. Expe­ri­ence a con­fi­dent faith — today!

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